Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Abortion Debate String

Is it cruel murder or a woman's choice and control of her body? This is the place for you to place your views and opinions. You must follow the rules for conduct if you wanted to avoid being banned. This is for both academic enrichment and for mental rigor. While I want people to be excited to particpate, please take a minute to read the RULES FOR DEBATE BLOGGING.

You can also listen to Nikki and Rebekah's papers/stances on abortion via The ModCast (not available until 12/05/06).

Rules for Debate Blogging

  1. On the Offensive Without Being Offensive - If you must attack, attack position, opinions, and facts. Not an individual person or a group. You have the freedom to express your point and stance, but not at the expense of another person's self-value. Vulgarity is also a big no-no. Besides, it makes you look foolish and therefore unpersuasive. In that event, you lose.
  2. Will the Real Poster Please Stand Up - Posting with a real name. You don't have to give your full name, but posts should be given with at least your last name. If you are weighing in and challenging people, they deserve the courtesy of knowing who they are talking to. Breaking this rule will result in instant banning.
  3. Citations - Make sure you cite your facts. Numbers can be made up. If you don't we will all assume you are inventing your info, so dropping a quick citation, such as (peta.org) will make you seem much more informed and reliable.
  4. Be Polite - Politeness and articulation are expected. Even if you disagree, there is no need to be nasty. I am not spending free time moderating this blog to read that sort of drivel. If you are all polite, and request the same of others, this can be a great and fun exercise in debating skills, even if the topics are emotional and serious.
  5. Prepare Yourself - If available, listen to all related podcasts (on The ModCast) and read previous posts to be sure you are up to date as to where the debate is currently heading and why. Unsure of a fact? Look it up. Don't remember what someone said exactly? Go back and quote them. This all makes you more articulate, informed, and, essentially, persuasive.
If you have questions about conduct or think that someone has been out of line, please e-mail me.

Persuasive Position Debate - Intro

After a resounding show of interest in both electronic media and persuasive writing/debate, I am going to launch my first attempt at online debate through the use of podcasting. I have two students who have shown particular passion in researching the topic of abortion and are on opposite sides, yet in opposite classes. Students have indicated an interest to see them square off, and would also like to participate in said debate. However, it is difficult to find a time that would allow everyone who has interest to be able to get together. Therefore, in conjuction with the ModCast, after Thanksgiving Break, here is the plan. The two students, Nicole and Rebekah, will each read from their papers and offer a commentary on their positions. Each will appear as a ModCast on modyland.com. In the Writer's Workshop room at modyland.com (or through the ModyBlog) students will have the ability to listen to each podcast and then respon here on the Writers' Workshop Blog, in the string I will establish for the debate.

There will also be rules posted. Each person must follow the posted rules or WILL BE BANNED FROM THE SITE AND FURTHER PARTICIPATION. This looks like it could be a fun way to expand our useage of persuasive writing and speaking. If anyone has feedback or ideas, please let them fly.